Ear Mites in Dogs and Puppies

liver tan


What are Ear Mites?

Ear mites are blood-sucking parasites that live inside the ears of animals.


What Are the Symptoms of Ear Mites?

1. Scratching: Excessive scratching of the ears could indicate ear mite irritation.
2. Slightly tilted head: Animals will tilt their head to one side or the other in an attempt to shake the mites out of their ears.
3. Head shaking: Excessive head shaking is an attempt to fee their ears of mites.
4. Ear odor: If your dog’s ears smell bad it is possible that he has ear mites. There should be no odor to your dogs ears.
5. Ear discharge: Discolored discharges in the ear could indicate ear mites or other ear infections.


Are Ear Mites Contagious?

Ear mites are easily transferred from one pet to another and even can be picked up by contact with bedding, upholstered furniture or other places the infected pet has been recently.


What is the Treatment for Ear Mites?

  Take your pet to a veterinarian
♦ Clean your pet’s ears before applying any medicines the veterinarian prescribes.
 Bathe your pet regularly. Some veterinarians will prescribe a insecticide powder or formula to use as the mites might escape the ears during treatment.
 Treat all other animals in your household.
♦ Clean the environment you dog is living in. Change its bedding and wash its kennel.


How are Ear Mites Diagnosed?

A veterinarian will perform a physical assessment of your pet’s ear problem, check for odor and from the inner folds of your pet’s ear he will take a swab of wax to analyze under a microscope. This will only take a few minutes and is painless to your pet.


How Did My Dog Get Ear Mites?

Ear mites thrive almost anywhere. They are spread by contact with other pets that have them or areas where they have been and left the organisms behind such as bedding, furniture, carpeting, etc.

How Can I Prevent My Dog from Getting Ear Mites?

Keeping your puppy well groomed and his surrounding clean will help prevent ear mites. Check his ears and bathe him regularly. Keep him away from other animals that have ear mites or infections.


What Age Will My Dog Most Likely Get Ear Mites?

Ear mites can affect a dog or puppy at any age.


Disclaimer: We Are NOT Licensed Vets.  DO NOT try to diagnose or treat animals based off this or any other information you find on the Internet.  This page is just BASIC INFORMATION  to help bring awareness to the different health issues that are common in puppies.  If your puppy is having any kind of medical issue, please seek PROPER professional treatment from a licensed vet who is trained and set up to handle such matters.


